Friday 25 January 2013

Liebster Awards!

Ok honestly I have kind of avoided these things like the plague since I started blogging..... pure laziness been the excuse maybe!? I got my Internet back today(finally!) and saw I had not one but two nominations and said to myself "Meg its a sign get your arse in gear and do one!" So here it goes

11 Random Facts
I can not swim, I have tried to learn but I am incapable!
I can not cycle a bike, same reason as above!
I can count all my friends on my hand, I have acquaintances but not many friends
I am 4ft 6", I used to be 4ft 8.5" but I lost the inches somewhere!
I do not like animals. I wish there was an unlike button for FB animal photos!
I consider myself not to have a home yet, I have my rent's house and the place where I live but I have yet to find my home in this world yet! I am a gypsy at heart!
I am addicted to coffee and wish there was a Delta cafe in Dublin that did proper espressos!( Anyone know of one?)
I consider myself one the lads in work, because I do everything they do including drinking pints!
I am a night owl, I barely ever see the light of day.
I have named every car I have ever owned and considered them either male of female.
I own no Urban Decay products!

Who inspires you the most?
Not who but things around me, I find inspiration in books, pictures, even rubbish or puddles. But if I was to say one person would be my best friend Amy, her determination to succeed and better herself is soo inspiring!
What's your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?
Hide under my duvet and watch films.
Have you ever called in sick to work to just have a duvet day?
Nooo! I am weird, I love my job! I'd never take a day off unless I was actually dieing!
What are you most proud of in your life so far?
Never going back!
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
I would love to be able to fly, see question 8 for reason!
Where do you see your self in 5 years time?
Hopefully I will have found my 'home' and doing what I love!
Do you have a bucket list? If yes, what's the weirdest thing on it?
No, but I am considering making one!
Do you have any fears? 
I have a huge fear of public transport, I avoid buses, trains and coaches at all costs, will even walk in the rain. The luas is just okish to go on but I always stand by the door in case I need to hop off quick.
What do you do to cheer yourself up?
Listen to music, and dance around like a crazy person!
What's the make up item you could not live without?
Mascara I look so weird without it!
Who is your favourite blogger/ vlogger and why?
I love so many, but UglyFaceOfBeauty  aka Gracie Francesca, I just love how straight to the point she is. My kind of girl!

What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Talking about makeup and beauty things and just been able to ramble on and no one will say shut up!
If you could live in any era based on the style at the time which would you chose and why?
The 50's in America, I want a poodle skirt and a boyfriend who drives a cadillac!
Favourite book?
The Hobbit, I just finished reading it and I want to read it again!
Would you rather spend an evening out on the town or at home chilling out?
Out on the town most of the time, but a night in with food cuddles dvd and wine is just as good.
Holy Grail make up product?
Have not found one yet!
Sweet or Savoury?
Savoury! Waiter " Would you like to see a dessert menu?" Me "No can I have the mains menu back again!"
Any irrational fears?
The whole public transport thing on above questions will answer this!
Smokey eye or bold lip?
Both there are no rules in makeup!
Do you get more excited by fashion or beauty?
Beauty all the way!
Tanned or Pale and Interesting?
Pale and Unique! Still trying to exfoliate this Portugal tan off.
What is your ideal job?
If I could find a job that incorporated bar tending and makeup I would be in heaven!

Ok so now I have completed my questions I get to nominate 11 other lovely bloggers and ask them 11 questions. They in turn answer my questions and add in 11 random facts about themselves and then pass it on to another 11. Got it!?

My Questions:
Coffee or Tea?
One thing your missing right now?
Favorite place in the whole world?
Something new you learnt recently?
If your life was made into a movie who would you want to play you and why?
Book or Movie?
Favorite type of blog post to read?
How would you describe your sense of style?
Favorite scent?
A quote or saying you live by?

My nominations:
Sorry if you have already been tagged:

Ok brain has stopped working and anyone else I can think of has recently been nominated so if any of you would like to do it please just link your blog post below!


  1. Have an idea for your perfect job: you could work in a bar and if a girl was crying and ruined her makeup (girls tend to cry when they're drunk so it totally works) then you could do her make up for her, life sorted - you're welcome ;) x

  2. Aww I lost an inch too recently. Loved your answers :) xxx


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